Thursday, April 13, 2006


Picked up two books today for the bus, one was a Robin Cook, Marker, and the other an unknown Indian author, Dr. Ravindra Godse, and his maiden book 2 Guys, 3 Girls and a mad professor.

Why i picked up the book i don't know, coz i have not read utter rubbish like it for some time. I have been generally lucky in the past one year, and all the books i have picked up have been reasonable, but this one takes the candy for being the WORST BOOK OF THE YEAR.

Full of cliches, and oft repeated jokes "Foramen Of Winslow" and "Talking about Testicles" and "The inner diameter of the bile duct" get to be so tiring by the end of the book that the mere thought of a word starting with the letter "F" had me skipping the word.

The book even had mistakes galore, the most hilarious of which must be "Sealing Fan" on page 216. So what are we planning to seal with this fan ? Given a choice i would toss all copies of this book into a large high speed fan so that no one else is ever forced to read repetitive garbage like this.

and the author hopes to sell more books by having an advert in the last page which reads

Go To or go to and learn how you could be a part of the exciting digital movie being made on the novel. Read. Audition. Act.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Dr.Ravi Godse. Yes, I have the dubious distinction of being the author under scrutiny. I have some comments. I stumbled upon this blog while net-surfing

I admire your honesty. If you did not like it, you have a right to be frustrated since you wasted your time.
Quote" What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.” You make a comment that the number of patient I get must be low because I have time to create this rubbish.

My group looks after about 6500 patients in Pittsburgh, United States. I work 7 days a week. I am making my money and paying my taxes in USA. It was the Indian tax- payer that put me through my medical education. Conscious of this debt, I see Indian patients (Typically the parents who are visiting their kids in USA) free of charge. I drive to their places to see them if need be. In a foreign land, to have access to a doctor, who you can trust and who doesn’t charge you, must be a great feeling. Our American patients adore us. Most of patients have my mobile phone and are welcome to call me 24 hours a day. I respond to their calls even when I am on an African Safari or in Europe, where I will be pursuing a PhD in History.

Just because you did not like my book, does not give you a right to make personal comments, which are a tad inaccurate.
Truthfully, when I criticize someone I fall into the same trap so I can put myself in your shoes and see where you are coming from.

2) Let us talk a bit about the novel. Sure, there are spelling mistakes. I am ashamed of them. You did not pick up the most glaring one where Wodehouse is spelt as Woodhouse. Yes, it needed to be better edited. They couldn’t afford to reprint it after these mistakes were apparent. Stuff happens. Your blog starts by spelling ‘author’ as ‘autor’. When you use the word cliché , you have used it without the accent on top. When you say, “the book takes the candy”, the general colloquial phrase is “takes the cake.” It is like saying “ Mahatma Clinton” Both words are right but don’t fit snuggly. But I am not bothered by this. I just read it and enjoy it as a poignant piece by someone who feels cheated out of his time and has to pander to his basest instincts by putting some robust words to paper. The novel has had kind reviews so far. It was 4th best selling English fiction in India.

3) My movie.
The website It sure brings up my movie website

We did try to make a movie on the novel. It did not work. I put myself through evening film school for 2 years and I have directed the feature film “ Dr.Ravi & Mr. Hyde” On the website, there is a trailer posted. I have the trailer reviewed by thousands and I have not had one negative comment. Everyone loves it. Please see it again if you have not seen it. The director of Star-Trek, CEO of, Britney Spear’s Lawyer, South Africa’s Minster of Telecommunications, you name it, they have seen it and loved it.
I made this movie in my spare time, such spare moments I could grab from the chaotic life of a Physician. Not a mom-pop movie. Script adviser has Emmy award, Cameraman has Emmy award, one actor has 9 Emmy awards, other actor has 4 Emmy nominations, sound guy was on Senior President Bush campaign, etc.
The movie has played in 2 major international festivals and is about to get main-stream USA distribution. Pardon me for saying it myself, but, it is a triumph of sheer human spirit. Please see the trailer if you have not seen it. Honestly, show it to 2 friends and see what their reactions are. If you don’t like the movie I respect your opinion.

Having said all this let me say, no hard feelings on my part. Keep exercising the free speech at its most glorious.

