Thursday, May 18, 2006

Blame the perpetrator

Blame the perpetrator

A common rant of us Indians is the ineffectiveness and the rampant corruption that plagues all the government offices.

We will continue to crib about the fact that “Pandu” or “Mama” has taken Rs. 100 from us for not having a Pollution Control certificate. We won’t stop to think that it is because of our idiocy that he is accepting this money from us, in fact he is doing you a favour by not insisting on the Rs. 1200 fine for a Rs. 50 certificate that you could have easily got.

I have a friend who has continuously been cribbing about the inefficiency of Passport office officials which has prompted me to blog my thoughts. This friend wants to appear for the TOEFL and the GRE, and does not have a single documentary proof for residential address, place of birth, and still went ahead and booked the exam paying the $100. Now this friend of mine went to the passport office thrice without these documents and was promptly sent back, then went ahead and picked up an “agent” to simplify her task. The agent has to grease palms, and has been asking for money from this friend of mine. The agent has been terrible, I agree but the friend is no less. She will crib about the fact that “All Government Employees are Corrupt” but will not realise that these guys and ladies in government offices are used to accepting bribes for the simple reason that the people who need them to do the work will never ever have the required documents, will want the work done faster, assume that a single greased palm will get all the work done, but a single greased palm will never work, the structure of the organisation is such that you need to start at the bottom and grease all the way to the top.

The same friend of mine went to a DIG of Traffic Police, an uncle of a friend to get a Driving Licence without undergoing the standard tests, and without having to stand in the line for the 6 hours that it takes to get the licence. In fact she has gone ahead and gotten this licence without ever having been on the driving seat, without knowing how to use the reverse gear, and more importantly how to park.

I blame the perpetrator for all these problems. Get your act together people and they cannot accept bribes from you. If you have all the documents in place they cannot ever hope to hold your papers back. If you want to take the easy way out the only way that is going to work is to leave a few palms suitably greased.

I am sure that I will receive at least one scathing comment for this post. So bring them on.

(third post for the day, no work and an angry frustrated brain, bad combination :( )


Anonymous said...

I agree dude..what a loser the person would be who got the license without knowing how to drive..

Anonymous said...

thats a different point of view. Although, it may be too simplistic a view of the corruption created by government offices. All government offices should have transparency in what they do. All there processes should be published. Their performance should also be measured. There cannot be a hidden process. Only then corruption go away. There should be a documented process for a person without proper documentation - Not an underground process but a legitimate one. If india expects to complete globally, removing corruption should be our number one priority, followed by improving infrastructure issues.

Anonymous said...

"All government offices should have transparency in what they do."
Transparency, something i have not seen any facet of life in the past 24 years. We are actually a bunch of ppl who prefer clouded eyes to a clearer picture.

"All there processes should be published"
Yeah, and they will forever be disregarded. Processes exist to allow loopholes. No passport without address proof, that the written published rule, passport can be got by a bit of greasing is the ultra small footnote in the same font color as the page.

Removing corruption, god help us.