Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Feeling grey and under the weather.

Nothing seems to want to work. Changed the background to grey.

Have promised my prof that i will learn LabVIEW within the next few weeks (?? HOW DO I GET MYSELF INTO THIS MESS ??) and then train all my assistants on it.

am on chapter 4, and not seeming to get very far.

*labVIEW gods if u are reading this put the entire thinggy to my brain* *Puhleeeeze*

The specs don't help me much too. I have a wired problem, the power is minimal (-.25 spherical and -.5 cylindrical) but the axis is crazy 55° !

Damn, i hate specs, and to think that there was a time when I wanted specs and would wear my moms specs !Too go from wanting to loathing.

and i cant even get to lenses, the cylinder needs to be at leastt -.75, damn.

This is the research i did on the numbers.

The "sph" box for "sphere" represents the amount of long or short light that is present. The larger the number the stronger, and therefore the thicker the spectacle lens will be. Plus lenses are used to correct long sight and minus lenses are used to correct short sight.

The "cyl" box for "cylinder" represents the amount of astigmatism that is present. Astigmatism is caused when the eye is not completely spherical (like a football) its shaped more like a rugby ball. This causes the vision to be distorted for both distance and near objects. The cylinder may be plus or minus regardless of whether the sphere is positive or negative.

The "axis" box represents the orientation of the cylinder (from 0-180 degrees) and is the angle at which the lens is set into the frame.
Need to get back to *work* now.

1 comment:

RAVi said...

13 hours + 4 hours is my normal work day, so it seemed normal (admittedly halfwitted) but normal all the same to me ...