Tuesday, July 04, 2006

When it rains it pours.

When it rains it pours.

Rain, rain, go away

Come again some other day
Little Ravi wants to play

Come again some other day

Wet clothes. YUCK.

It has been pouring for the past 2 days and the satellite images look bleak. Left the office early (by my standards) at 5 yesterday, and reached home at 7. Tracks under six inches of water is not a very pretty sight, and the patch where there was an oil slick between Kurla and Sion, was scary.

Trains were crawling at a snails pace. Crowds of cranky, wet middle aged men, all getting on each others nerves. “Standard Mumbai Monsoon” was a retort I got from a guy in my lab.

For the first time in my life, I am dependant on an umbrella, have been warned not to get into a local at Kurla in a wet jacket, lest I get tossed out. Hate umbrellas, need to get one that is as wide as my shoulders, planning to get one of those large ‘grand daddy walking stick’ sized umbrellas.

BTW I was accused of trying to impress someone yesterday. The story that I told was a true one, and the person thought that I was trying to impress the blogger with my comments. The real sad part of this is the fact that in the story, I played a negative role and cursed the hero. I do not think too many ladies are impressed with the villain, which movie have we watched where the heroine waltzes into the sunset with a super villain leaving the hero to nurse his wounds?


Friend looses phone at Chaturshrungi Temple in Pune. Phone was dropped from the pocket on a busy road. Guy calls me up (as mine was the last number dialled from the phone) and says that your friend has lost her phone, and I want to return it. Coincidently this friend of mine has a habit of leaving her phone behind, and wandering about her office and her friends at work would pick up her phone to give her a run-around. Well this guy calls up and I think that it is one of her friends, and I go, “What the hell do u want me to do in Mumbai, I am in a meeting, Do not disturb me!” and disconnect the call.

Well the guy was real nice, and called the next number in the list and finally handed the phone over to my friend.

Now for the version where I am the hero

Guy “ I am going to blow up the world with this phone, and your friend will be implicated! HA HA HA …” (sounds like one of the old Hindi movie villains)

Me “Don’t you dare do that, you s** o* a bi***, if you have had your mothers milk (thank you aharmendra movies that my dad used to watch), come in front of me and fight me”

(I look around for a free phone booth / cubby hole / wash room to change to my secret identity UberGeek)

Ubergeek dressed with his under garments over his tights flies all the way to Pune, and destroys the super villain after (PUT in all the computer generated scenes from the Mitunda movies that u have watched) an epic battle.

Ubergeek then changes back to plain old me, and hands over the phone to the grateful Damsel in Distress, who showers him with hugs and kisses.


Stop the rains please, want my source of strength, the evil villain has drained my energy using a potent combination of green-red-gold kryptonite; it can only be restored after exposure to the sun.

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