Monday, May 07, 2007

Day 0, Mumbai to Palghat

Air Deccan is not as bad as people make it out to be. They make the flight as comfortable as possible, but don’t expect any frills. Flight was on time, and the Rs. 20 CCD coffee on board was nice though would have preferred if it did not have to come out of a packet and i did not have to do the mixing in hot water.

Cloud formations that I really liked, though the air hostess needed to be convinced that the phone was in offline mode and that I was using it as a camera.

The Koni-Amman temple at Coimbatore serves as our family deity.

koni amman temple tower (gopuram)

The journey from Coimbatore to Palghat was harrowing! The driver of the taxi was a maniac straight out of a mental asylum, and no amount of coaxing from us could get him to drive sane. 2 near death experiences later we reached Palghat, and a bath and luxuriant lunch had us snoring in no time.

The evening was spent looking at the preparations, and the past 10 days work at my dad’s village for the Mahakumbhabishekam.

The place where prayers have been conducted,
for the past 10 days.

Pictures of the Mahakumbhabishekam will follow in chronicles of day 1.

p.s neon and lighting makes it presence felt here too.

Lord Venkatachalapathy

Lord Ayappa

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