Thursday, July 06, 2006

Vive la France

Vive la France

Match in pictures

The Foul
The Celebration

Take a bow

Dull match, the French knew they had what it takes to defend the single goal. A team who kept the mighty Brazilians at bay for 20 minutes could surely keep Portuguese at bay, couldn’t they? The Portuguese threw everything at them, other than a kitchen sink, but came away empty handed. The last of the golden generation, Figo misses a gilt edged opportunity, when he failed to head in from six yards, after another piece of Barthez eccentricity.

Henry fouled by Carvallo, Zidanne provides a master class in penalty taking, something the England team would be benefited by watching. It was the same keeper who foiled them, but in front of the genius that is Zidanne, he dived to the right side, but could do nothing about the ball ending in the back of the net.

The difference, as Andy Gray says between the mid field maestros of the two teams, Zidanne and C. Ronaldo is in the simple fact that Zidanne knows when to do the tricks. You will never find a Zidanne performing antics, the “famed” double step over, and then fall over after running all of 20 feet, hoping for a call from the referee. Zidanne keeps his tricks in the bag, and when he does one of them "roulette" spins, it is worth the wait.

France V Italy in the finals.

Damn, I have misplaced my umbrella. Bad news the way the weather is behaving in Mumbai. Need a new one to get home today.

Orkut “horror”scope: Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals

Music: Nirvana, The Best of.

Book: To kill a mocking bird.

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