Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Salaam Mumbai

Salaam Mumbai

7/11 is what the news channels are calling what others call “Bloody Tuesday”.

First 7/26, then 6/26 and now 7/11.

What comes out standing tall in all this rubble is the Mumbaikars Spirit.

The first people to rush out to help the victims yesterday were the much criticized slum dwellers, who trolled through burning debris and fashioned make shift stretchers with bed sheets from nearby houses and helped move the bodies of the dead, and provided immediate support to the injured, moved them to the main roads, and helped move them to the nearest hospital with the help of any mode of conveyance.

Closer home we had a operator who sat through the night, passing on messages from relatives to the people stranded at the institute.

Strangers? Who says that these are strangers? We are one large family called Mumbaikars who come together in moments of crisis, and show the forces that try to disrupt peace that we will not be shaken. Together we are strong. No calamity, natural or man made can shake the very foundations that make up Mumbai, and the hearts of all Mumbaikars.

Salaam Mumbai, Salaam Mumbaikars.

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