Monday, July 17, 2006

Who are the Guilty?

“You are a Muslim lover. How can you defend them? If I was the Home Minister, I would shoot all of them. They are all criminals.”

That’s from an “educated” person at the institute, when I tried to reason with him when he mentioned the Home Minister thingy for the first time.

“Why should they be sent out?”
“Coz they are corrupting the kids in schools and colleges. They are not willing to say Hindu prayers! They beat up the teacher for it, they killed all the guys in the trains.”


“Well why should they? They are from a different religion, why should they pray to a Hindu god?” That was me, getting really irritated now.

“If they want to stay in India, they must pray to our gods! Else they should leave.”

This is from a Jain. Will that guy pray to a Hindu god? And he in fact cribs that his brother who stays in one of the Arabian countries is scared of them because of his non-faith in Muslim ways. So is this not a turn about for fair play, If your brother wants to earn the lacks of rupees a month, in a Muslim country, he must pray to the Muslim gods, shouldnt he?

“That’s not the same.” , he replied to that argument.

Why is it not the same I ask, one set of rules for us and another for them. No replies.

The blame then shifted to the Jesuit Schools, were according to these guys, who have studied in a Gujarati and Marathi medium school respectively, students are made to recite the Bible.

I was in a Jesuit School, from the 3rd to the 12th grade, and I read the Holy Bible on my own, my teachers never asked me to read the Holy Bible or convert to Christianity.

I get up from the tea table and leave. Some people will never learn. There is nothing that can be done to them.

Fact 1:

The population in India as at 0:00 hours on 1st March 2001 stood at 1,027,015,247 persons. Although 83% of the people are Hindu, India also is the home of more than 120 million Muslims--one of the world's largest Muslim populations.

Fact 2:

Hindus are all tolerant. 1984 anyone?

In November 1984 following the assassination of Indira Gandhi, mobs lead by Congress leaders committed murder, loot, arson and rape, across India for over a week, however the worst effected area was the capital of India Delhi.

Due to the large span of area the actual number of those dead is unknown, official figures of those who died are over 4000 and 60,000 were rendered homeless in Delhi alone, these figures to not incorporate those “missing”.

India is ablaze with hate and anger. In city after city from one corner of the country to the other enraged mobs have gone and are going about systematically burning and looting Sikh properties and assaulting Sikhs without discrimination.”
The Times of India November 2 1984

“Sikhs were sought out and burned to death. Children were killed, shops looted, cars burnt, markets destroyed, houses gutted. Trains were stopped and Sikhs were picked out and murdered.” Akbar M.J.

“Around 300 Sikh officers and men in uniform were done to death in the presence of non-Sikh soldiers, who stood as silent spectators.”
Economic and Political Weekly – Thapar, Ramesh.

Police officers “stood by and watched arson, rape, looting and murder, without making any attempt to intervene to protect citizens brlonging to the Sikh minority, without attempting to dissuade the attackers to call for reinforcements or other support, or even to inform the fire brigade.”

Who are the Guilty? - Report PUCL and PUDR

“Many people complained that, in some cases, the police were not merely hanging back, but giving active support.”
The Times, 5 Nov 1984

“We started from the foot paths after the 1947 Partition, now we get back to it in our old age” wept an old couple, they had been deprived of all their belongings and also a young son.

The killing of innumerable Sikhs, people of the same religion per se, in a fortnight, if thats not criminal then what is? William Darlymples, City of Djinns, has an entire chapter dedicated to the Sikh Massacres in Delhi, with first hand narratives from the victims, ladies who watched their sons, brothers, dads burnt alive after being doused in gasoline, men who watched their daughers and wives, raped repeatedly, and then burnt alive in front of them. Religious Tolerance. WTF ?

It hurts very deeply, to think that the so called “Intellectuals” of the premier “Research Institution” can even dream of talking like this. What is to prevent the uninformed, uneducated classes from taking up the cries that the ministers / propaganda mongers distribute?

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