Saturday, June 02, 2007

2 Days gone. 666 to go.

So it is to be the number of the devil. As the administrator of the college went to great pains to explain, we are "Stuck" / "imprisoned" etc here for another 666 days .. plus minus a couple ...

expecting holidays is considered a crime, and the first week seems to be straight from hell ! Lectures, infact they call it non acads, Yoga, Gym etc, start at 6 am and last an hour, followed by an hour to get fresh and have breakfast .... classes start at 9, and stretch on till 6 or 8:30 pm, depending on the day ... with an hours break each for lunch and snacks.

todays induction was ok. the measurements for the uniform took the better part of the day. approximately 4 hours of wait.

tomorrow is to be the Outbound Learning trip. Should be fun. Atleast thats what has been promised to us !

Lectures start @ 9AM on monday, with a foreign language lecture !

Hostel room is nice. food acceptable. insects of varying sizes seem to like to make my room theirs, once i leave the door open ..

off for dinner !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ravi..

Welcome to SCMHRD .. Am your 05-07 Batch Alumni .. You can ask Sasmit Sir or Priya Kher about my stint @ SCMHRD . Im sure they would be glad to tell you..

I donno wht kept me glued to your blog, I read almost all of 37 pages of ur blog ( and ajay d souza) in a single go..

Gr8 Wrk buddy .. Happy stay@SCMHRD

Dheeraj Goyal