Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A month down...

Been more than a month that i have been at the college, and what a month it has been! Am still amazed at the quality of the batch ... the strengths of the individuals is staggering!

A chronology of the month would be difficult to remember in this sleep deprived state, but the one thing that’s common to the entire batch is the feeling of sleep depravation. A normal day starts at 6 am and ends way past 2 at night... add to this the hour that you need to compulsorily spend in the gym/pool by the time you hit the sack, you are out cold.

this was taken to the limits yesterday... after 2 days of no sleep, dropped down at 12 and woke up at 11 today. Luckily there were no lectures scheduled in the 9-11 slot. the 90% attendance requirements make bunking of lectures a lucury that i cant afford!

the 3 guys with the 6 letters in the cv are awesome. Rethinking my strategy for my mba just becoz of these guys. Marketing did not sound so good before i heard prantosh speak about it!

case analysis and written analysis and communication make the first year worth it, where most of the other subjects are theory, with large pillow sized text books (sleep inducing quotient that could not be reduced by a cup of hot black coffee in some cases) these subjects put the course into perspective .. this is what we will be doing in the long run and what fun it is !

Sivaram apte speaks of an increase in productivity of using a foot mouse (trackball) for the ones who use both hands on the keyboard and feel that it is a tremendous waste of time to try to reach for the mouse ... need to try it when the lappie comes though.

speaking of the lappie, should have her in my hands by the end of the week ... and what a beaut she is ! will have a full review sometime next week ... but should perform AWESOME ! was in the committee that selected the vendor and the machine, and the final config was mine, so the machine should perform well. hope the class is happy with it when it comes through though.

Academics wise, well the less said the better. the staff have completed more than 200 pages in each of the pillow sized books, and i am yet to start off with the first page. Ironically have been scoring well in subjects that i did not study much in and less in the ones that i thought i knew. Need to get that in place... and get some serious time with the books...

stats looks scary ....

the college is to be redesigned and am doing it with Ajay and Aditya. Work on that is in progress and the new site should be a lot better and more comprehensive than the one we have now!

been planning this update for the past 2 weeks and have not had the time to do it ... lack of morning lectures made it easier to get some time.

now i need to get back to a marketing research project on the feasibility of operating a unisex salon in the campus ... lets see what the respondents say !

reading: Lance Armstrong - Its not about the bike. been reading it at the rate of 2 pages a day ! need to get back to reading a lot more ....

music: whats that ... no time !

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